How Zennoying!

What do you think when you see a picture on social media of a perfectly fit person striking a next-to-impossible yoga pose on a beach? Are you going to vomit? Do you want to break out the potato chips and a pint of ice cream out of spite? What about these status updates: “Live life and life will love you back!”, “Best weekend ever! Zen meditation and a juice cleanse really helps center me. Namaste!”, “Love and Light!”

You’ve got to be kidding me, right?

If you view these images and words with animosity, you’re not alone. There’s got to be something hiding behind the facade of serenity, right? Nobody is that healthy or happy. New age bullshit is simply a trend and they’re milking it for all it’s worth — and shoving it right in the faces of the less enlightened.

Before my venture into nutrition, health, and clean living, I thought it was ridiculous that people chose a life with no “fun” involved. Smoothies, meditation, yoga, kombucha; none of it made sense to me. Why not enjoy your time on Earth? Drink what you want — be it fermented tea, green juice, or alcohol! Exercise if you want to. Life is way too short to worry about gut flora, food allergies, and mindfulness. Late night inebriations, later night burritos, and sleeping late was my spiritual experience. And the only poses anywhere close to yoga would be in a stranger’s bed (hopefully).

I’ve come to realize some things over the past few years of my life:

1. Everyone has unique things that make them feel good about themselves.
2. The “do whatever you want” lifestyle is not sustainable.
3. I feel better, and the people around me feel better, because of my healthier lifestyle.
4. I’ve learned to deal with my chronic pain by eating a diet high in anti-inflammatory foods.
5. My diet and meditation practice has a direct positive effect on my PTSD and depression.
6 . I really enjoy waking up at a reasonable hour without a hangover.
7. My daughter will learn from my good example.
8. People who post pictures of themselves doing yoga poses on the beach are proud of themselves, happy, and that’s okay.
9. Less toxic food and drink = more clarity.
10. More energy = getting more accomplished.
11. The SAD (Standard American Diet) is a plague.
12. I have greater confidence when I’m living a healthy and centered life.
13. Resentment towards others is merely re-sending negativity back to myself.
14. I truly love seeing anyone attempting to better themselves, in any way, and even in the smallest way.
15. Change starts at home, and in the heart.

So, I pick my battles wisely. Choosing to be frustrated by positive change is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

Be well.

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